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St. Paul Chapel Ministries

At St. Paul Chapel Baptist Church, we believe that a healthy community is an active community. We are in the business of building faith and empowering individuals through practicing God’s work. Interested in getting involved, doing good, and spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ? Take a look at the many opportunities to volunteer, and join our ever-growing community!

Culinary: provides meals for various events as scheduled, including funerals, luncheons, and banquets.  The ministry members are responsible for planning menus, purchasing and preparing the food, setup of dining area, serving food, and cleanup of the dining and kitchen areas.

  • Servant Leader: Deacon Elizabeth Hayes

  • Co-Servant Leader: Sister Ulanda Stokes Garwood


Diaconate Ministry: comprised of eternal servants of Jesus Christ and all are officers of the Church. We base our scriptural inception on Act 6:1-7. Our firm commitment is to Christ and to His kingdom building as his humble Servant, to our Pastor who is the under-shepherd, and our local congregation. This ministry encompasses our deacons and deaconess. 

  • Servant Leader: Deacon Larry Hayes

  • Co-Servant Leader: Deacon Darryl Byrd

Discipleship: this ministry is the avenue by which new converts are introduced into the meaning of a New Life in Christ.  "So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NRSV). Discipleship learning experiences are for new converts, as well as anyone interested in are taught about the basics of discipleship, ministry, and life at St. Paul Chapel.

  • Servant Team: 

Reverend Fred Knox

Sister Sunday Gold

GAP: The intercessory prayer ministry stands in the “GAP” for our congregation, our pastor, our community, and the world as we pray to God on behalf of the needs. We gather on our prayer line every Wednesday morning at 10:00 a.m. and prayer requests can be given at any time.


God’s Chosen Men: our men’s ministry fosters building relationships between males within the congregation. The men’s ministry host gatherings, outing, and programs to strengthen the man of God holistically. We believe that when the men are properly equipped then the family is strengthened which then affects the community. 

  • Servant Leaders: 

  Reverend Michael Allen

Deacon Larry Hayes

Brother Juan Tinsley

Pastoral Concern Ministry: this ministry is responsible for the care of the Pastor and his/her family.

  • Servant Team:

 Minister Carma Clark

Brother Darrin Wardlow

Sister Hattie (Carol) Richardson

Seasoned Saints: this ministry is comprised of older individuals in the congregation. The seasoned saints come together developing bonds amongst one another. They also provide opportunities for learning various resources, skills, programs, etc. that are beneficial to older adults.  


Social Saints Ministry: The purpose of the Social Saints’ Ministry is to bridge the gap between the members of St. Paul Chapel Baptist Church and surrounding communities by providing social services and connecting people to resources. The Social Saints aids in helping individuals and families, members of St. Paul Chapel Baptist Church, and members of the community. 

  • Servant Team:

   Sister Tanasha Cotten

Sister Destiny Estes​

     Sister Shakeera Wynne

Stewardship Ministry: The Stewardship Ministry is used for the efficient management of the liquid and fixed assets of the church in such a manner that is conducive to the goals and objectives of the church membership and church leadership. The stewards manage the material possessions and oversee the financial matters of the church according to God’s design for handling the resources He provides for His church.

  • Servant Leader: Steward Ira Barnes, Jr

  • Co-Servant Leader: Steward Kisha Vaughn

Sunday School: Sunday School Ministry is one of the primary sources of Christian Education in the church. Focusing on biblically based lessons and practical applications. We prepare members to deal with everyday situations as relayed through Bible teachings. Sunday School offers a learning-based venue beyond Sunday’s sermon.

Ushers: The Ushers Ministry administers to the needs of the congregation each Sunday. We facilitate the worship experience by meeting the congregation with a pleasant smile, a warm welcome, and directing them to their seats. We ensure that perfect order is always kept in and around the Church during the worship experience. 

  • Servant Leader: Sister Linda Yarbrough

  • Co-Servant Leader: Sister Tina Blue


VAST Ministry: The Video Audio Social Media and Technology Ministry reaches the congregation and beyond through online worship, social networking, and public relations to aid in promoting the mission and vision of the church. 

  • Servant Leader: Sister Kisha Vaughn

  • Co-Servant Leader: Deacon Darryl Byrd

Women of Worth: Women's Ministry is for all women - no matter your age, background or life stage. We want to meet ladies right where they are and come alongside them - encouraging, supporting, praying, and equipping them in their journey with God. We want to grow our faith and demonstrate His love and grace through our lives and relationships. They host small groups, prayer meetings, fellowships and mentoring.  We want to encourage and equip women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.  

  • Servant Leader: Deacon Liz Hayes

  • Co-Servant Leader: Min. Carma Clark

Worship & Arts Ministry: the Worship & Arts Ministry's mission is to please God through our lifestyle and by providing praise, worship, and music that brings others to Christ and edifies the congregation and the community. This ministry includes our choir, praise team, and praise dancers. 

  • Servant Leader Music Ministry:

Brother King Cotten

  • Servant Leader Dance:

Deacon Rahsheen Gurley


Youth Ministry: The Youth Ministry is comprised of all children up to and including the age of 18. We believe the scripture in Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Our youth ministry aims to assist in the development of children from the stage of toddlers to becoming mature adults continuously active in the body of Christ. We accomplish this through Children’s Church, involvement in ministries, Youth Sundays, community outreach, etc. We'd love to stay connected with our youth, please complete or Youth Information Form

  • Servant Leader: Sister Pam Billops

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