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Conquering Season | Pastor Joshua Goodin


Pastor Joshua Goodin

“Conquering Season”

Joshua 3:14-17 (NIV)

You are in a season now where you’re getting ready to conquer. Every now and again you need God to give you some wins in life because you feel like you can’t take another loss. You’re tired of losing, and you need God to remind you that in the midst of losing you’re still a winner. Stay in the race, get back in the ring, and get back up after you get knocked down. Be encouraged when God tells you there’s just one more thing to get your promise. The reason you haven’t crossed over to where you’re supposed to be is that you keep trying to do it on your own. You must come to the realization that you can’t do it without God. That’s why you keep failing and making the same mistakes, without Christ you can do nothing, but with him, you can do all things. You’re guilty of turning to friends who can do nothing for you and using God as the last resource. When you save God as the last resource you almost empty your bank of energy. When you finally choose to go to God you’re depleted and burnt out. God is tired of using burnt-out Christians. After you’ve done everything else then you want to give God your remains and expect him to do something spectacular with them. Stop wasting your time and go to God in the first place. God specializes in things impossible in things that blow your mind.

*You have to change your perception. It’s just like God, every time you turn around, he gives you another big obstacle that seems impossible to cross. Sometimes you get frustrated with serving God, and you ask God if you can just get a break. Sometimes you feel like you need to stay where you are instead of trying to cross over the obstacle. You’re never too old to do what God called you to do. If you were, God would have called you home already. Trust God because he’s proven himself over and over again. It’s not enough to have a plan, you must do what the plan says to do. If they give you instructions, use them. You can save yourself some time and frustration if you just follow the instructions. The reason your life is the way that it is now is that you haven’t followed the instructions that God has given you and because you did not follow the instructions you have wasted time. You must learn how to wait on God. When you take things into your own hands, you must learn how to accept the residue that comes with it.

*You must activate your faith. Your faith should not be questioned, know in whom you believe. It takes a step of faith. Thank God for the people in your life that took the step before you. When you follow the steps of God, he will lead you to places. Stop being ashamed of the steps you took, the places you’ve gone, the things you’ve done, and tell a young person what you’ve done, but Jesus turned your life around. You are the result of answered prayers. Your faith is linked to what you do and thank God that he will drive the enemies out of your life. The ones he doesn’t drive out he positions properly so you can use them as elevation to get you where you’re going. The Bible says he will make your enemies your footstool (see Psalms 110).

*Get ready for a move. Be glad that when you ask God to open one door, he opens several doors and gives you options to choose from. Because you have faith God moves in ways that you can’t imagine. Have faith that can conquer anything. The more you go through the further your faith gets because you’re more than a conqueror.

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