Catch Me on Purpose" Pastor Joshua Goodin
"My Soul is Anchored" Pastor Joshua Goodin
"Doing Business in Deep Waters" Pastor Joshua Goodin
"The Place Between Sinking and Saved" Pastor Joshua Goodin
“The Power of Lived Faith” Pastors Joshua Goodin & Jonathan Goodin
“Be Thankful for the Thorns in Your Life”
5th Pastoral Anniversary of Reverend Daniel M. Jackson
Actively Waiting
"The Reason" Pastor Joshua Goodin
"Stay on Track" Reverend Daniel M. Jackson
Where's the Honor?
“Getting the House in Order: The Struggle in Moving Forward” Pt. 6
Getting the House in Order: Try Something New" pt. 5
“Getting the House in Order: If You Gonna Stay Lit” Pt. 4
Ordination Service: Minister Fred Knox-"Keep Going"
"Getting the House in Order: When the Church is Lit" pt. 3
“Getting the House in Order” Pt. 2
"Getting the House in Order" pt.1
“A Moment Like This”