Pastor Joshua Goodin
Luke 5:1-11 (KJV)
“Doing Business in Deep Waters”
It’s easy to sit on the sidelines and not fight.
God is trying to get you to a place where you can mature in your level of faith so you can learn how to manage what he is giving to you.
Too many believers are weak
When was the last time God allowed you to go through a storm and you said ok God send it,
God is trying to get you to a place when trials and tribulations come your way you welcome them with a smile. In your walk with God, you want to be able to be in control, to know how things work, and dictate your environment. Only to discover and find out, that when you walk with the Lord you cannot be in control, you cannot dictate your environment, you can’t tell God what you will allow, because some things God allows in your life still come without your permission.
*God is calling you to launch out to the deep, but you are afraid you’re going to drown. Launching into the deep means going for the position even though you feel like you’re not qualified. Starting the business even though you don’t know where the money is going to come from. Is being obedient when he tells you to walk away from some things even though you feel like you can’t live without it. Taking a step in faith into the place God is calling you to but understanding that if God has called you to launch out, the same God will keep you from drowning.
*What would the world look like today if people were pressing to get a word? Churches would be filled, there would be multiple services and multiple worship experiences throughout the week if people had a desire and press to get a word. How pressed are you to get to the house of the Lord? How pressed are you to get a word? A lot of believers are not pressed, because if they were pressed, they wouldn’t just press their way on Sunday, but would press on Wednesday as well. Every opportunity to glean and hear a word from the Lord to hear the spirit speak, you would be pressing your way to get there. No matter where you are or how far you are from the Lord, he can still find a way to speak to you. You ever been in a place you had no business being, doing something you know you had no business doing, and the Lord starts speaking to you? Even when you’re doing what you’re doing the Lord still shows up, because he never leaves you or forsakes you, he’s always with you. Sometimes you’re in trouble and don’t even know you’re in it. Thank God that he knows when you are in trouble, even when you can’t see the trouble that you’re in.
**If you’re going to do business in deep water, you have to be willing to leave shallow people in shallow places. Sometimes you want to stay connected to people who think they’re deep, but they are shallow. You don’t need people in your life that are trying to portray themselves as being deep. You need people in your life that are walking into deep areas, not talking about what they’re going to do, but people that are executing what they say they will do. Time is up for lip service.
*There are some things God told you to do that you have not done yet, and God keeps bring you back to this place so you can take the step. It’s comfortable in the shallow end, and you can maintain stability because your feet are touching the bottom, but when you go in deep water you lose your footing. Sometimes God has to take the bottom from underneath you in order for you to rely on him. What has God taken away from you, the bottom he has pulled away from you, that you keep trying to re-find and make resurface? Don’t try to recreate what God has removed. You keep attracting the same stuff, because you keep trying to duplicate what you already had, and God removed because it wasn’t good for you. You’re telling God that you are tired and exhausted and don’t have the capacity to keep doing what you’re doing, and still come up with nothing. In your doing, seeking, toiling, and working, the question becomes were you moving according to the voice of the Lord. Sometimes you think you’re moving at God’s discretion, but in reality, you’re just being busy. Don’t confuse busy work for God’s work. You know you’re doing God’s work when you are walking and fulfilling your purpose. A sign that you’re doing busy work is when nothing is changing around you, everything is stagnate around you. Don’t move again unless you’re moving at his word. Don’t take another step if God didn’t give you the word to do it. Don’t give another word to somebody if God didn’t tell you to do it.
**When you’re doing business in deep water, you have to understand that abundance can only be found in deep places. You want God to give you abundance, but you don’t want to go into the deep place where the abundance is located. You need to get to the place to receive all that God has for you, and it cannot be found in the shallow place where you currently find yourself. Shallow: It’s your obligation to go to church on Sunday, you show up to church and only sit on the pew, you’re not giving the way you should be giving, you’re not praying the way you should be praying, you don’t read your word the way you should be reading it. At some point you will get to a place where you stop stressing about people that want to stay in a small place. Don’t grow weary in your toiling. Sometimes when you’re toiling you become exhausted because you’re looking around at other people that have the same ability to fish, but are standing there with their nets in their hands. Don’t get caught up in those that are catching nothing, because eventually they will be cut off. Some people don’t care if they are cut off, because they feel like God’s going to five them grace. If you’re not doing what you’re God called you to do, he will remove you.
**What God is getting ready to send, you can’t carry it by yourself. You have to partner together so you can carry the abundance God is about to give you. Where you’re going God is going to connect you to people that will help you carry the load. He’s already assigned and equipped the people that you need to help you carry what you’re about to carry. God will send you what you didn’t know you needed to help you finish the work he has called you to do. He will send you strangers that you never met to be your best blessings. Be careful when you entertain strangers, because you may be entertaining the angles that God has placed in your life to help you get to your next level. Be careful how you treat people, because you may have to turn around and need that person to open a door for you later on in life. You have to do business in deep waters because there are people waiting. There are lives that need to be transformed, minds need to be changed, communities that need to be turned around and families that need to be restored. When you’re in deep water, the Lord will be with you and not forsake you.