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"Faith Made the Difference" Pastor Joshua Goodin

Sunday Recap @ da Chapel

Reverend Joshua Goodin

Mark 10:46-52 (NRSV)

“Faith Made the Difference”

*You don’t know how much faith you have until your faith has been put to the test. You don’t know how strong you are until your strength has been tested. You don’t know how much you can endure until God puts you in a place where you have to endure some things you didn’t ask for, you don’t agree with, but you made up in your mind that if God said it, you believe it, that settles it. Your faith when it’s at work produces some great character and strength. When you’re going through the fire you have to have faith to believe what God has brought you to he can bring you out of.

*Make sure everything you are supposed to get done before you die, you get done. Don’t allow your situations and limitations to hinder you from doing what God has called you to do. God called you to do work regardless of the limitations that you think you have. If God called you to it, then that means he equipped you and has given you the skills that you need to get the job done. No matter how old you are, you can still go back to school. One of the reasons some of our kids don’t want to do is because they have never seen their parents do it. Parents are supposed to care for and nurture their children, but children should give what they do their best. There has to be a level of mutual transparency with respect. Don’t get upset and frustrated with your children because you don’t see them doing anything. If they start seeing you operate and start seeing you move, it will become motivation for them. Not having three jobs, but when was the last time they saw you pray or read your word.

*Sometimes when people are doing things that annoy you, you want them to be quiet. Don’t be like the crowd, when people are crying out to Jesus trying to get deliverance and you keep trying to block their mouth and muzzle them from hollering. Don’t let people stop you from praising and worshiping God the way you want. Stop being concerned about being cute in front of people, and how people are going to judge you. Jesus stops for you, when you call out to Him regardless of what he is working on in someone else’s life, he’ll stop what he’s doing to see about you. When you’re not ashamed, the Lord will say come here. What you can’t see with your physical eyes you can see with your spiritual eyes. Sometimes you need to learn how to change your lens. God is trying to change your perspective on how you see things, but the problem is God has already worked your situation out, you’re just looking through the wrong lens. Have faith enough to get up. You wait until the end after your situation has been worked out, but it’s important that you pay attention and follow the instructions when Jesus starts speaking.

*Don’t lose sight of the fact that even if you don’t have a church title, you’ve still been called by God. You think you have to have a position in order to work. Sometimes what you think people want to be freed from is not what they want to be freed from. Stop wanting for people what they don’t want for themselves. They can’t be better because you want them to be better, they can’t be delivered because you want them to be delivered, they have to want it for themselves.

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