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Sunday Recap @ da Chapel

Brother Darrell Edmonds

Matthew 15:13 (NKJV)

"# friendgoals"

*Everybody riding with you ain’t riding for you. Have confidence with who’s riding with you. Examine the friendships in your life. You have friends that will get you to the gate, but not through it to your deliverance. Friends that will get you to the door but not to your healing. If you have friends like this, they are no friends at all.

**Some people that are with you are not there for your benefit, they are there to catch you fall. They are only around to catch you mess up because they hate what you have. They hate the promise on your life, your gifts, and your talents.

***Not the journey, not the heat, not the distractions can keep true friends from getting you to your healing. You need friends that will stop at nothing to get you before Jesus. They will pray for you and with you, not prey on you waiting for things to fall apart. You need friends with strong faith and a relationship with God.

****You don’t need your friends in order to get your deliverance. Your friends will help you get to your deliverance and leave you there, and you will have friends that get you to your deliverance and stop at nothing to get you healed and glorify God with you. You serve a God that when your friends forsake you and are nowhere to be found, he still has the power to deliver.

*****Examine your friends and make sure they have a relationship with God. Make sure they know who God is and have a relationship with him, and some sort of prayer life beyond saying grace before they eat their food, or before a test they didn’t study for. You need friends that will tear the roof off for you. Make sure you take Jesus back to school or the workplace with you. For wherever Jesus is there is the power to heal and deliver.

******There is no friend like Jesus. Your friends have more impact and influence on your life than you think. Friends are like buttons on an elevator, they can take you up or take you down. Some friends are just for a season. Some are there for a reason, God wants to accomplish something in you through them. Some friends are there for their own advantage because they know there is something they get from being around you. Friendships come with benefits and curses. You attach yourself to the spirit of a person, picking up their habits and sayings. Make sure your friends are one that will tear the roof off for you.

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