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"Keep Your Guard Up"

Sunday Recap @ da Chapel

Minister Fred Knox

Nehemiah 4:1-9 (NIV)

“Keep Your Guard Up”

*Pray, pray, and keep praying. Have the eyes of faith to see what God is doing before you see it in the natural. God is a way maker, he makes a way out of no way. When God gives you a great work to do, be alert because there are haters in the land that don’t want to see you succeed. When you are mocked or criticized, don’t respond back to the haters. Let the haters say what they want to say as long as they don’t put their hands on you. Focus on God’s purposes, God has everything that you need.

**What is God reminding you of? What has he called you to do? What is he calling you to be? What dreams has he given to you, or have you let them die? Ask God to restore the dreams in you. See yourself as God sees you, in order to be able to do the work God has called you to do. Remember God’s purpose for your life. If God brought you to it, he will bring you through it.

***Keep your guard up, stay alert when the enemy comes against you. Pray and tell God how you feel, remembering his promise to be with you. Identify the area the enemy is trying to attack you in, set up a watch in that area, so the enemy does not catch you with your guard down. The enemy wants to keep you cut off from your brothers and sisters in Christ because he knows you need the church to lift you up and encourage you. Pray and let the devil know that you are not afraid of him.

****Set a watch against the forces of the enemy that tries to hinder your prayers. If you don’t get an instant answer when you pray, watch against discouragement, and depend on God’s strength. You need supernatural power to defeat Satan, and God has provided this by giving you the Holy Spirit in you and his armor surrounding you. Pray, watch, and keep your guard up.

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